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If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!
Piles Bouton

If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!

Our news

A method for tracking the spread of a new Campylobacter species

A method for tracking the spread of a new Campylobacter species

ANSES has developed a method for culturing Campylobacter hepaticus. Cases of poultry becoming infected with this bacterium have increased in France since 2019. Culturing it should provide an opportunity to track its spread on farms through genetic characterisation.
Transmission of pathogens between pollinators
Une abeille

Transmission of pathogens between pollinators

A study carried out in eight European countries confirms that pathogens can be transmitted from one species of pollinating insect to another. The health of wild pollinators can therefore be affected when a contaminated colony of honeybees is established nearby. Unlike in previous studies, the results did not show any significant effect of the type of crop grown in bee foraging areas.
From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?
heure du repas

From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?

Following on from its work on the dietary guidelines of the French National Health and Nutrition Programme (PNNS), ANSES decided to take a closer look at the health effects of how food intake is distributed throughout the day. At the same time, it also looked at the risks associated with children not eating breakfast.
Discovery of triple resistance to antiparasitic drugs in equines
Des chevaux dasn un pré

Discovery of triple resistance to antiparasitic drugs in equines

For the first time in France, a single farm has been found infested with digestive parasites known as cyathostomins, or small strongyles, resistant to all three classes of antiparasitic drugs authorised for equines. They were discovered as part of a study carried out by an ANSES team on a racehorse stud farm.

Focus on

PFASs: very persistent chemicals

PFASs: very persistent chemicals

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, better known as PFASs, are chemicals whose specific properties mean that they are used in many everyday products. Extremely persistent, PFASs are found in all...
Toxic plants

Toxic plants

Some toxic plants resemble edible plants and may be confused with them, not only in the wild but also in the garden or vegetable patch. Picking plants for consumption is not without risk: 250 cases...
Avian influenza in 11 questions

Avian influenza in 11 questions

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection occurring in wild and domestic birds, including poultry. Wild bird migration periods and movements have an impact on the risk of virus...


Our Laboratories

Our Laboratories

Veterinary medicinal products
Médicaments vétérinaires

Veterinary medicinal products

Agency news

Veterinary medicine - ANMV

The French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products celebrates its 30th anniversary

The French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV) was created in 1994. Part of ANSES, it monitors the efficacy of the veterinary medicinal products used in France and ensures they are environmentally friendly and safe for animal and human health. The ANMV’s missions and importance on the French and European scenes have changed significantly over the past 30 years. Below, Franck Fourès, Director of the ANMV, looks back at its history and discusses the major challenges that lie ahead.
Inside ANSES
Environmental health

ANSES and Institut Pasteur: a partnership at the service of One Health

Institut Pasteur and ANSES have just signed a partnership agreement to pool their skills in the interests of ‘One Health’. The two organisations carry out complementary activities: one studies human infectious diseases and the other the risks associated with animal diseases and food, including diseases transmitted from animals to humans and by vectors.
Inside ANSES
Environmental health

The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

ANSES coordinates seven vigilance schemes aimed at identifying adverse effects caused by several types of products and foods. What are the fundamental principles underpinning this mission at the Agency? What do the new vigilance schemes for cosmetics and tattoos involve? What is the outlook for these schemes? Juliette Bloch, Director of Health Alerts and Vigilance, answers our questions.
Inside ANSES
Plant health

New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

On 1 March 2024, ANSES signed its first cooperation partnership agreement with the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HAPIH). The two agencies have areas of expertise in common relating to animal and plant health, and food safety.